Sunday, January 8, 2006

Toward a More Useful Blog

I haven't been the most prolific blogger of late, mostly because on break from school I've been enjoying a slightly slower pace of life and resting.

It occurred to me yesterday that more people might be drawn to my blog if it offered something besides gig updates, personal stories and tidbits about how cute my kids are. Indeed, the most popular blogs in cyberspace are generally focused on single subjects about which the author has some expertise. Maybe I should use this forum to inform and enlighten as well as entertain. So from now on I will try to add occasional items on two subjects in which I have some knowledge: writing and music. They're certainly themes I've touched on previously, but I want to make the blog more useful by posting entries that contain functional nuggets of information.

Keep in mind that this is not a change of format per se, merely a decision to provide more useful content. My next post will be one of these sorts of entries. I will still use the blog as a journal and depository for goofy tales, amusing links and bar-stool philosophy. I'll be adding some short fiction in the months to come, and posting links to .mp3s of my recordings, etc. For example, here are some more tunes from my First Night gig:

Down South Blues

The Crayfish

And I'll keep posting non-sequitirs and miscellaneous nonsense like the image below, a sketch that I found tucked between the pages of a book. I'm not sure why I wanted to sketch a fiddling robot, but I'm sure the subconsious motivation would be revealed with the appropriate amount of psychoanalysis.

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