Thursday, February 22, 2007

Live Audio from Arthur's


Tuesday's show in Schenectady turned out to be an intimate affair, which is a nice way of saying very few people showed up ... but on the plus side, Roland and I had fun and managed to record a few numbers for posterity. Check them out here (files are in .mp3 format):

Hesitation Blues

The Roving Gambler

Handsome Molly

The painting above is a product of today's "Arts n' Crafts" time with my boys. I guess I'll call it "The Frailer." We're still working on our Piranha Pinata.

Friday, February 16, 2007

See you in the Stockade

Don't forget to catch my show Tuesday night at Arthur's Market & World Village Cafe, 35 N. Ferry St., Schenectady. The music starts at 7 p.m. The cafe serves coffee, tea, desserts and vegetarian dishes. They also are rumored to have supply of the excellent Barrett's Pineapple Ginger Brew.

I will be joined for a set by my friend Roland (aka The Bard Rocks!) on guitar, banjo and whatever else he brings along. There's no cover, but I'll have my medicant tip jar in full effect.

If you need help finding Arthur's, click here for a MAP.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

A Jamaica Tale

The Albany-based e-zine MyStoryLives has published one of my pieces of non-fiction, a short memoir about a bus trip in Jamaica. 
You can read it at the following link:
Hope you like it!

Feeling surreal today

We had family arts n' crafts time quite early this morning (before breakfast, in fact), which might explain why I painted this ...

What should I title it? If you have suggestions, leave a comment by clicking the link below.