Friday, October 21, 2005

A new gig lined up

Just an announcement: I will be playing at the Moon & River Cafe, 115 S. Ferry St., Schenectady (in the Stockade), at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 29. I figure it will be a good warm-up for the First Night gig that Saturday here in Johnstown. The tip jar will be on the counter awaiting the pecuniary manifestations of your kind patronage.

I've been taking a break from gigging as I get sucked deeper and deeper into the vortex of this semster's academic work. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post on the interconnectedness of memory, geography, a John Fahey guitar instrumental, a gushing head wound and a visit to the Novelty Lounge in Oneonta, N.Y.


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