Monday, September 18, 2006

Recovering from another injury

I had an extremely short fall season with the Saratoga rugby club. Five minutes into my first match, a tackle went badly and I broke my collarbone. (I was the one doing the tackling, hence the "badly.") So I may well be hanging up my spikes and retiring for good. We'll see how I feel about it in the spring after I've mended.

My blogging will be somewhat limited this fall as I work on my thesis, but I seem to be wasting plenty of time over at myspace. Click the image below to see what nonsense I've been up to there:


Wednesday, September 6, 2006

The Boss Goes All Folky Again

Anyone who's heard me perform in the last two or three years has probably heard me sing "Pay Me My Money Down," a tradtional song from the Georgia Sea Islands that I learned from a Dan Zanes CD.

Bruce Springsteen's new album, a Pete Seeger tribute disc, includes of version of that song that's pretty sweet. He adds a verse about Bill Gates, which was cheeky of him.

There's are audio and video files of the Springsteen performance at the following site:

Springsteen Clips


Moon & River Gig Photos

A few pictures that Jen shot at the Moon & River Cafe last week. Thanks to Sandy (at left) and Roland (center) for sitting in with me, and megathanks to those who showed up to listen.

P.S. I now have some .mp3s available for free downloading (free is always good!) at

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Cape Cod Trip Pics, and a Song

I've been neglecting my blogging duties lately. The photo gallery at left has some shots from our Cape Cod vacation.

And for your multimedia enjoyment, I've posted a new recording below. It's the old blues favorite "Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out," on which I play an old nylon string guitar and sing in a slightly nasal voice because I did the recording right in the middle of an allergy attack. 'Tis the season. I recorded it using my wife's iriver .mp3 player, which is pretty cool because it has a built-in microphone and it's smaller than a Zippo lighter.
