Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Cape Cod Trip Pics, and a Song

I've been neglecting my blogging duties lately. The photo gallery at left has some shots from our Cape Cod vacation.

And for your multimedia enjoyment, I've posted a new recording below. It's the old blues favorite "Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out," on which I play an old nylon string guitar and sing in a slightly nasal voice because I did the recording right in the middle of an allergy attack. 'Tis the season. I recorded it using my wife's iriver .mp3 player, which is pretty cool because it has a built-in microphone and it's smaller than a Zippo lighter.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bill-
Thanks for posting the photos. Chris only took pictures of whales as far as I remember. It was neat to see everything again, especially First Encounter Beach...so beautiful at sunset. As for your "slightly nasal voice", I think you got some cool resonance thanks to your allergy attack!
