Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Consider Yourself Warned, Osama

Folks around these parts like to take Homeland Security into their own hands. I've been seeing a disturbing number of these puerile "Terrorist Hunting Permit" stickers on cars lately. I suppose the folks who display these on their El Caminos think they're pretty clever, but so far I haven't seen one on the vehicle of a person who has actually gone to the military recruiting office to sign up for four years of armed spelunking in Afghanistan.

At least it's reassuring to know that Fulton County is well-protected against the jihadists, what with all these would-be vigilantes in our midst. Bubba Q. Public can safely run down to the Stewart's on the corner for a six-pack of Genny Reg'lar without having to worry about suicide bombers and improvised explosive devices, because the Terrorist Hunters are on the job.

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