Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Raking and baking them also not nice


We had a story in the paper today about this guy, who's accused of shaking his 5-week-old baby to death in a hospital room in Schenectady. Very sad. It's the sort of thing that is often met with the comment that the law should require people to get a license to have children. I'm not sure about that, but I have another proposal that might completely rid the world of the nasty baby-shaking phenomenon: The parents who get stressed out by their kids but don't take it out on the kids should have the right to take it out on the parents who do. As a stay-at-home, work-all-night dad, I know I would be able to tap into a large reserve of frustration given a few minutes alone with one of these cretins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quite a looker, this one.  Did he pose his blonde rat-tail on his shoulder for the mug shot or did it just work out that way?  Either way, it's going to make a nice handle for his new prison friends to grab hold of when he tries to get away in the showers.  If they assign cellmates by look-alike he'll probably end up rooming with Chris Fox...