Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hold the presses!

Wait a sec ... this heretofore doomed blog just got transfered over to Blogger from AOL, which is planning to drop all its Web hosting and eradicate all the stuff I've posted over the last three years. (America Off Line?)

I'm not sure how much I'll continue to add to this blog, since I do most of my blogging over at

But you never know.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Kiss this blog goodbye

I've just heard that AOL will be shutting all of its blogs and personal Web pages down, so this is officially the end of Ex Mentis Bill Ackerbauer.

I won't shed any tears over it. For the past six months, I've been doing all of my serious blogging over at anyway. Look me up over there under BLOGS and "Bill's Broadsides."

Via con huevos,


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

That other blog I write

Here's an example of what you're missing over at "Bill's Broadsides," my blog on

Mysterious trousers

(posted June 10, 2008)

Another random observation from my commute to work on the F,J&G Rail Trail:

On my way in to Gloversville yesterday morning, I passed a pair of pants. They were laid out on the trail rather conspicuously, as if waiting for their owner to come along and put them back on at a quarter to six in the morning.

Even stranger, when I passed the same spot on my way home in the afternoon, the pants had vanished. So, one would conclude, either the original wearer of the pants returned to claim them (after what sort of pre-dawn pantsless adventure, I can't imagine), or some other person wandered upon the scene and thought to himself or herself, "Hey! Free pants!"

Either possibility boggles the mind.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Farmers Market opens Saturday

The Gloversville Farmers Market will open for the season this Saturday, May 17, 2008. (Which happens to be the 2nd anniversary of the day I started this blog.) I'll be playing solo and unplugged there from 9 a.m. to noon.

The market will be in its fancy, new pavilion on Elm Street (near Bleecker Street, behind the former Methodist church). Should be sweet.


OK, I'll admit it: I've been neglecting this blog. I've been doing most of my blogging over at You can check out what I'm up to by going to that site and clicking on "BLOGS" (what else?).


A little harp

Just fooling around with a fiddle tune on harmonica. This is called "The Tombigbee Waltz." Fiddle guru Jay Ungar says it's named after a river in Alabama (and I imagine the river is named after one Thomas Bigbee, but I've never heard of the guy).

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Stories and songs

The Gloversville Public Library will host an event this month with storyteller Karen Pillsworth. I will open for her with a short set of music, mostly ballads and other sorts of story-songs.


Stories and songs

with Karen Pillsworth and Bill Ackerbauer

Time: 7:15 to 8:15 p.m.

Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Place: Gloversville Public Library, East Fulton Street, Gloversville, NY

Free and open to the public


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blogging for The Leader-Herald

I've started writing a new blog for The Leader-Herald, which might result in me posting less and less frequently on this site. We'll see how it goes. Check out my LH blog, "Bill's Broadsides," by going to and clicking on "BLOGS."

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Kindergarten krooning

I played and sang some songs with the kids in my son Liam's kindergarten last month. The school put a little photo of us on its Web site: